Friday, April 9, 2010

RePHRAME at May Day 2010!

May Day 2010 Richmond, VA | Workshops | Rally | Parade
April 30, 2010 - May 1, 2010

Endorsed by 24 organizations [ endorsements ] we will rally and march in celebration of workers rights, and the upward struggle for freedom, justice and equality! We march for an end to all wars and occupations! We march for the right to food, housing & jobs for everyone!  We march for the workers right to organize! We march for Women's right of control over their own bodies! We march for education for all! We march for a living wage! We march against racism! We march for health care for all. And we march for the legalization of all workers, for no one is illegal!


Friday April 30, 2010
William Byrd Community House
5:00pm - 10:00pm

Saturday May 1, 2010
Workshops @ Gallery 5

10:00am - 3:00pm

Saturday May 1, 2010
Abner Clay Park (Clay & Brook Rd in Jackson Ward)

4:00pm (rally & speakers)
5:00pm (parade)

May Day! Workers of the World Unite!

This is our day! International Workers Day! Our day to recognize and appreciate the social and economic achievements of the international labor movement. The struggle began in 1884 when the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions passed a resolution that would enact an eight-hour workday beginning on May 1, 1886. On May 4th, 1886 during a general strike for the eight hour day in Chicago, police fired on strikers and killed a dozen people in what has become known as the Haymarket Massacre. In 1890, Labor activists, Leftists, Socialists and Anarchists began celebrating May 1 as the International Worker's Holiday to achieve "…the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, the class demands of the proletariat, and universal peace."

With the specter of a market free of government regulation that reaches far beyond the familiar borders of the United States, there is a need, more than ever, for a labor movement that demands for the rights of working people, and holds accountable the government and corporations for the injustices that we are forced to endure at the mercy of the wealthy.

The Struggle Continues!  We must Organize!
There is no time better than now! From the office worker in a business suit to the construction worker in coveralls, no one has been left untouched. Corporate greed permeates every aspect of our lives as workers are laid off without benefits and left to fight to save their homes from foreclosure. While the city becomes a destination for the suburban middle class, protections for lower income residents are virtually non existent. Urban planners are heralded for ushering new life, income and opportunities into the area, but they also inadvertently pave the way for gentrification and the displacement of those who depend on the proximity of jobs and public transportation to survive. Developers left unchecked by city government are threatening Public Housing residents with the prospect of becoming homeless. All the while, institutional racism continues to permeate our culture, with hate groups on the rise in both membership and influence. And despite the popular movement demanding health care for all, the decision has been handed over to the insurance companies.

The economy has reached an all time low and workers are left to fend for themselves with few solutions. Immigrant and migrant workers continue to be scapegoated drawing attention away from the role of corporations and the destabilizing effects of free trade agreements. Recognizing our similarities rather than differences, we are united around the core principle that we must link arms and fight back in the spirit of those that came before us in a true display of solidarity.

This May Day we wish to demonstrate the presence of a labor movement in Richmond that is ready to fight against the multitude of injustices in our communities. We wish to unite individuals, faith based groups, unions, students, teachers and progressive organizations who will stand in solidarity with one another, for economic & social justice, freedom, and equality! And overall, we wish to better define the overlapping issue of capitalism that exists at the root of all our working class woes.

In Solidarity, Yours Truly!

Title of Workshop: One City, One Community.
Description: Residents of Public Housing in Richmond Against Mass Eviction (RePHRAME) is dedicated to the empowerment of public housing residents and community stakeholders in the face of redevelopment and gentrification by the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authoirty (RRHA). By creating a powerful community voice consisting of public housing residents, community members, and city leaders RePHRAME is working towards housing communities by design and not by default. RePHRAME members Max Daniel and Vanessa Valentine will discuss the history of north Jackson Ward, public housing, and the future of community redevelopment. Come learn about a movement dedicated to housing issues, as well as social and economic justice for all peoples.
Facilitator(s): Vanessa Valentine & Max Daniel
Short Bio: Max Daniel is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University's(VCU) School of Social work. After being connected with RePHRAME through an internship opportunity, he has continued work to increase his awareness of human rights, housing issues, and community organizing. He hopes to attend VCU's School of Social Work graduate program for community organizing in the fall of 2010.
Vanessa Valentine is a graduate of J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College and Tidewater Community college in Social Sciences with an interest in advocating for the disadvantaged and disabled. A certified carpenter, she has worked for Goodwill and Henrico County. She has lived in Richmond for thirty years and was a proud home-owner, however after a medical disablement she is now a resident of the Gilpin Court Housing Community. She is dedicated to creating a strong voice and a better community for herself and her neighbors.

May Day 2010 has been endorsed by: Residents of Public Housing in Richmond Against Mass Eviction (RePHRAME), Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project, Virginia Peoples Assembly, NJ May 1st Coalition, Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, All The Saints Theater Company, WRIR 97.3 LPFM Richmond Independent Radio, The People United, Richmond Green Party, VCU Students for Social Action, The Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, Militant Pedestrian Production, Socialist Party of Central Virginia, Charlottesville Food Not Bombs, Norfolk Off Base, The Flying Brick Library, Richmond Food Not Bombs, After Downing Street, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), The Active Hand Ministry, Mended Arrow Design, There Once Was A Rebellion, Richmond Free Party, Teamsters Union Local 322.